Monday, January 21, 2013

SharePoint 2013 Search - Build Query for the specified List only

Just tried with the SharePoint search and their refinement.

1. A custom movie list with the necessary columns has been created.
    The new column will be created as crawl property as ows_columnname
    To used them in the search refinement, the managed property needs to be created and mapped back to the crawl property, also make sure the refinable attribute is set true.

2. A custom search page is created in the pages library.

3. Go to the Site Search Settings (not site collection search settings) to add the new created page in search navigation

4. Go to the created page and edit the web part. On the left, the refiner can be modified as required.

5. The query in search result webpart needs to be updated to query the list only.
Here is the issue I have to get the query correct. It seems to be natural to use the Path contains the ListName. However, that would not work. Path has to include the complete list path.


The below is what the final search page look like.

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