Working in SharePoint means a lot opportunity to use powershell. There is a specific powershell function very useful.
Import-csv $csvFilePath
This function reads the csv file and the first line will be the header line to create properties for each row.
For eg, if there is a csv file as
Name, Site, Url
aa,site a, http://sitea
bb,site b, http://siteb
After call Import-csv will load the data as a collection,
$data = Import-csv $csvfile
You can enumerate each row or filter them.
$data | foreach { $_. Name }
$data | where {$_.Name -eq "aa"}
And another convenient way to read data as xml format is just,
[xml] $xmldoc = Get-Content "xmldata.xml'
Sometimes if there is an error message such as "Cannot convert value "System.Object[]" to type "System.Xml.XmlDocument", it is usually because of the mal-formatted XML.
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